Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was developed by Dolores Cannon, a hypnotherapist and regressionist, who began her career in the 1960s. QHHT is a form of past-life regression that goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy by incorporating elements of spirituality and metaphysics. Here is a description of the technique:
1. Past-Life Regression: QHHT involves inducing a deep state of relaxation and then guiding the individual into a past-life regression. During this state, individuals are believed to access memories from previous lifetimes, exploring experiences that may have relevance to their current life.
2. Higher Self Connection: The Higher Self is considered a higher level of consciousness that holds profound wisdom and understanding about the individual’s life purpose, challenges, and lessons.
3. Healing at the Subconscious Level: Practitioners believe that by accessing the Higher Self and past-life memories, individuals can gain insights into the root causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual issues which can lead to profound healing and transformation.
4. Spiritual Insights: QHHT sessions often involve receiving spiritual insights, guidance, and messages. Practitioners report that clients may receive information about their life path, spiritual mission, or connections to higher realms of existence.
5. Unique Experiences: Each QHHT session is unique to the individual, and the experiences can vary widely. Some individuals may have vivid past-life memories, while others may receive symbolic or metaphorical information that requires interpretation.
It is important to note that QHHT is considered an alternative or complementary therapy and may not be accepted or supported by mainstream scientific or medical communities. As with any alternative therapy, individuals should research and make informed decisions based on their own beliefs and preferences.